‘My first contact with CAUSE was when I was invited to take part in CAUSE’s first ever Strictly for CAUSE in 2013 and during the training sessions I met two CAUSE carers who gave me a truly deep insight into what it was like to care for someone living with a severe and enduring mental health problem.  They also informed of the amazing support that they received when they felt so helpless and vulnerable themselves.

By engaging with these carers, I then came to understand and appreciate the difficulty that many carers have in telling their story as their story, in fact, is not theirs to tell and for that reason,  I was honoured to be invited and to take up the role of CAUSE Ambassador and support the charity in whatever way I could.

I subsequently took part in two more Strictly events which were great fun, met many new friend - getting fit doing something I love whilst raising much needed funds for the charity. 

Even though I have hung up my dancing shoes (for the moment), I still get to compere this fantastic glitzy show each year in November and support the charity wherever I can.

It’s quite likely that one day you, one of your friends, colleagues or family members will experience or even have experienced a mental health problem. Yet mental illness is still surrounded by prejudice, ignorance and fear. The attitudes people have towards those with mental health problems and those caring for someone with a complex mental health problem, mean it is harder for them to work, make friends and in short, live a normal life.  

For that reason, I am asking everyone to show you care by - stepping on the stigma - raising CAUSE’s profile - recruiting more supporters and raising more money! 

Keep up the brilliant work CAUSE!’