Here is a list of relevant support services.

Housing Advice NI

Housing Advice

Housing Rights Service

Housing Rights

MindWise Housing Services

Safe and affordable housing is fundamental to everyone’s well-being, research shows that many people with mental illness are struggling to live independently resulting in a ‘revolving door’ of tenancy failure, hospitalisation and homelessness. MindWise has developed a housing continuum reflecting the ‘Stepped Care’ Service model from hospital to independent living.

MindWise Housing

MindWise Community/Floating Support Services

Floating support is designed to enable an individual to remain in their home whilst receiving and defined level of support to achieve goals and develop skills to support this. Support is often time-limited and related to specific objectives such as developing budgeting skills, socially integrating or help with daily living skills.

MindWise Community

Praxis Care Supported Housing

Praxis Care provides a range of supported living services to people experiencing mental ill health. Praxis Care also provides home response domiciliary care, and a day activity / drop-in and “out of hours” service that offers individuals with mental ill health and related complex needs help in the planning and management of their own social routines. A volunteer befriending scheme helps to reduce isolation and improves the well-being of people with mental health difficulties.

Praxis Care Supported Housing

Praxis Care Floating Support Services

Floating Support services are short term (less than two years), flexible services provided to individuals in their own homes. Floating Support services are linked to the individual and not the accommodation meaning that if an individual moves house the Floating Support can follow the individual as long as they remain in the service’s catchment area. Floating Support aims to maximise individual’s independence while supporting them to maintain their own home.
Praxis Care Floating Support

NIAMH: Beacon Supported Housing

Beacon provides ten 24-hour staffed schemes which are located in Belfast, Bangor, Antrim, Ballymoney and Cookstown. Beacon also provides 36 non 24-hour staffed schemes located throughout Northern Ireland. Beacon Supported Housing promotes social inclusion by providing a safe homely environment in which people are supported to develop their life skills and maintain their tenancies.

NIAMH Beacon Supported Housing

NIAMH: Beacon Floating Support

Beacon Floating Support Services are flexible locally based projects designed to assist individuals with mental health needs to access accommodation, maintain their home / tenancy and develop their ability to live independently in their own community.
NIAMH Beacon Floating Support

Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE)

NI Housing Executive

NIHE Supporting People Programme

Supporting People Programme

Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations

NI Federation of Housing

Homeless NI website

Homeless NI