There are so many changes right now that are occurring. It’s going to be our new “version” of life for a while now. One thing that hasn’t changed is that people are still celebrating birthdays!

Virtual online get -togethers - they’re all the rage right now. Whether you’re hosting on ZOOM, Houseparty, FaceBook LIVE or another way, doing everything virtually is the best to go.

In these times of isolation, whether it is self-imposed quarantine or for other reasons, we need to try to stay as connected as possible. It takes a little bit of planning, but bringing a group dynamic back to your socialising is something that can provide a bit of levity and joy when the days stuck indoors stretch on longer than normal. All you need is a computer or phone, an internet connection and a comfy place to sit.  

A birthday is a milestone and though we can’t meet up together, we can host online a variety of parties to stay connected and stay safe!

Help us celebrate our 25th birthday - host a virtual party for CAUSE!

Sign up today and we will send you our Virtual Party Guidelines.