We work with and collaborate with other charities and organisations

In CAUSE we are committed to working collaboratively within our own sector and across sectors to achieving better outcomes for families, partners and friends supporting loved ones with a serious mental illness.  We regularly link carers we work with to other services (statutory and voluntary) within their communities.

CAUSE also meets regularly with other mental health charities eg Aware, Action Mental Health, fightED and Mindwise.  

CAUSE also participates in a wide range of networks and forums locally and regionally such as:

  • Mental Health and Learning Disability Alliance 
  • Bamford working groups
  • CO3 Health and Social Care Forum
  • Cross-sectoral and specialist working groups and sub-groups in each of the health and social care trust areas we work in (e.g. carer and service user groups, strategic planning for a, recovery groups etc.) 

CAUSE Carer Advocates work under the ANNI code of practice as approved by HSCB