Here are 30 ways for 30 Days of Self Care Calendar to help you focus on looking after yourself this month:

  1. Spend time with friends
  2. Try a new activity
  3. Go for a walk in nature
  4. Have a pamper evening
  5. Enjoy your favourite foods
  6. Switch off from technology for the evening
  7. Finally get round to that book you’ve been threatening to read
  8. Visit your family
  9. Treat yourself to something new
  10. Try your hand at baking or cooking
  11. Make a new relaxation/positivity playlist for your self-care time
  12. Workout for 30 minutes
  13. Leave yourself notes of motivation
  14. Say your daily affirmations
  15. Meditate                                                    
  16. Plant something new
  17. Cuddle with a four-legged companion
  18. Clean your home / tidy your space
  19. Do something therapeutic – colouring in
  20. Change your bedding
  21. Make yourself feel nice – dress up
  22. Have a lie in
  23. Perform a random act of kindness for a stranger
  24. Call a loved one out of the blue
  25. Buy yourself flowers
  26. Stay hydrated and be kind to your body
  27. Put on your favourite feel good album and DANCE
  28. List everything that has made you grateful this month
  29. Watch your favourite film
  30. Take yourself on a date