Mobile messaging scam

A message is sent to mobiles, often via WhatsApp, by someone pretending to be their son or daughter and claiming they've lost their phone. Once the new number is saved, scammers  then say they need money after an incident, hoping that the victim will trustingly hand over thousands of pounds and their financial details.

To avoid falling for the scam, WhatsApp users should follow the Stop, Think, Call method.

  • Stop: Take time before you respond. Make sure your WhatsApp two-step verification is switched on to protect your account, that you are happy with your privacy settings.
  • Think: Does this request make sense? Are they asking for money? Remember that scammers prey on people’s kindness, trust and willingness to help.
  • Call: Verify that it really is your friend or family member by calling them directly, or asking them to share a voice note. Only when you are 100% sure the request is from someone you know and trust, should you consider it. If it turns out to be untrue, report it to Action Fraud.

 Click here for the Age UK designated website page for updates and information on scams and also Citizens Advice useful tips.