Are you interested in how Personality Disorder Services are planned and delivered? Do you have ideas about what good Personality Disorder Services would look like?  Here's an invitation to share your ideas and shape the future of services.


Thursday 4th February 2021

10am - 12 noon

Why is this important?

The Department of Health is working towards a ten year Mental Health Strategy designed to improve mental health outcomes for people in Northern Ireland. The Strategy will set out a new vision for mental health in Northern Ireland, for the next decade. The Regional Personality Disorder Network are keen to ensure that services are designed in a way that will address the needs of people with Personality Disorders and their families/carers.

Why have we have been contacted?

The Department of Health is keen to involve as many interested individuals and organisations as possible from all walks of life, e.g. professionals, service user representatives, carers etc. It is hoped that by doing so they can explore and understand what matters to you, your loved ones, your services and organisations.

What is involved??

The invite is to a 2 hour virtual discussion (further details will be sent after you book a place). There will be a number of break out rooms to ensure that there are 6-8 people in each discussion group to enable people to interact more easily and share their ideas. You do not need to prepare in any way for the session, just bring yourself and your ideas and be willing to contribute to our thinking about Personality Disorder Services. You will not be asked to do any additional work after the discussion.

 If interested please RSVP to [email protected]  and include your contact number, profession and place of work. If you are not a professional please state whether you are a service user representative, carer etc. This is so they can ensure they have wide representation.