The service is aimed at 11 to 19 year olds and will be delivered by the School Nursing Teams.  It is one of a range of resources to support the implementation of the Framework for Children and Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing in Education.

This new scheme allows young people to seek advice about sensitive health issues without a face to face appointment. School nurses will provide help on a range of issues including, emotional health and wellbeing, alcohol and drugs, sexual health, bullying and general health issues.

It is hoped through this non-judgemental, confidential text service young people will be empowered to ask those questions that they otherwise wouldn’t have the confidence to ask.

A qualified school nurse will respond to the young people’s messages using the secure ChatHealth web platform. ChatHealth is an award winning service in the UK and is the first of its kind in Northern Ireland and will transform the way young people communicate with health professionals.

Belfast Trust Text –A-Nurse: 07507 328290

Northern Trust: Text –A-Nurse: 07480 635982

Southern Trust Text –A-Nurse: 07507 328057

Western Trust Text –A-Nurse: 07480 635984

South Eastern Trust Text –A-Nurse: 07507 327263

Text-A-Nurse Information for pupils

Text-A-Nurse Information for parents and carers

Other downloads:

Belfast A3 poster             Belfast A4 poster

Northern A3 poster          Northern A4 poster

South Eastern A3 poster   South Eastern A4 poster

Southern A3 poster          Southern A4 poster

Western A3 poster            Western A4 poster